
Don’t want a ceiling to your income?

24th May 2019

What was your background prior to Direct Sales? How has direct sales impacted your career?

I have been in direct sales now for 38 years, mainly self-employed direct sales. I am actually an ex-navy engineering officer, one of my friends entered direct sales, I saw his pay cheque and realised how I could exceed my income, and never looked back!

I am not the kind of person who can work from a permanent static location, I like variety and moving around (I have travelled all over the UK in sales) and having more flexibility to plan my life, whether that be holidays or personal business – certainly has its benefits. Direct sales has given me the opportunity to ply my trade & earn more money than my engineering role ever could. My previous technical role meant I had a ceiling on my income – but in self-employed direct sales there is no ceiling, you’re paid on results. In the last 40 years, I have for the most time, made a good income, and had a lifestyle that I could not have had staying in my engineering role. My family have had many foreign holidays (twice a year & sometimes more!), I’ve been able to put my children through private school and University. My children have all exceeded in exhilarating sports and gone on to represent their country, mainly competing in Europe & annual Summer camps in New Zealand. I couldn’t have provided this on a regular, average paye income in engineering.

It’s not always ‘rock and roll’, but as long as you are committed, persistent, supported, work smart / hours required, have a likeable & friendly personality – ability to be assertive as required, you can get there!!

In all the direct sales roles that I have had, whether that be a Sales Agent, Sales Director, or my current role as Area Sales Manager, I have really enjoyed the work & generally speaking, thrived. My passion is supporting colleagues and that is what direct sales has enabled me to do. As a manager, I facilitate, mentor & support my Agents/colleagues to achieve their business ambitions & personal goals.

Why would you recommend direct sales to others?

Commission earnings, lifestyle, and ability to climb to the top if you’re focused & genuinely desire business/financial success! It’s simple; 1) Wake up and decide you want to go to work 2) Decide that you want to talk to people & create conversations that lead on to making presentations / sales 3) Understand it’s a numbers game and not about getting every sale – you have to recognise & be prepared to accept that you’ll get told ‘no’ a lot more than you get a ‘yes’!

What 3 things are you looking for in your team?

1) Commitment to working regular, Full-Time hours 2) Reliability in running your business & attending sites each day 3) Persistence in making sure that you don’t give up on challenging days

Top 3 reasons for working for your company?

1) Certain amount of flexibility with the role. As an example, I have two keen golfers in my team, they have an income they want to earn, and as soon as they have the sales they require, they’re off 2) 80% commission on core product sales made 3) All marketing materials, training, ongoing coaching is provided and a robust monthly business plan to exceed your desired income is worked on together

What are people in your team earning at present?

Average is £25-40k after site costs

My top guys are earning £50k+ after monthly site costs & Agency fee – these Agents have persistence and a high level of people skills – they have the ability to see the business opportunity for what it is & optimise!

Above all of that, my Agents work an average of 17 – 20 days a month, and no more than a 50 miles radius from their home postcode, more often than not less than 20 miles (and that’s in the South West!). Travelling to sites is always agreed a month in advance, so everyone can plan their diary & life.

It really boils down to simplicity and working the numbers. 40 short conversations will lead to 1 presentation, 3 presentations will give you 1 sale. 10 deals a week = £35-40k – secret is to work the numbers!

Why should someone consider working in your team?

I am a highly experienced sales manager, I work ethically & with integrity and get things done quickly. I am flexible and fair to work with and I will consider meeting anyone from any background.

I will help & support anyone who is serious about making a success of this challenging role & to get them where they want to be. give me a figure of what you need to earn & I will support in putting together a plan and coach that person to get there.

I have the highest retention rate in the channel, one of my Agents who is still involved in the business (and is now an Octogenarian!) was the original Direct Sales Agent in the UK, and he’s been doing this role for 43 years now!!!! I’ve others in my Team with 32+ years service!

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