
Why choose a self-employed career in sales?

18th January 2023

Like it or not, we are all salespeople, why not get paid well for it then?

Sales are in everything we do, yes everything. Even when you’re not selling a product, you are always selling yourself; and sometimes the product is you.

You might be wondering if you’re suitable for the job and if it will fit in with your lifestyle. You also might be worried about how much money you’ll make and whether or not there are any opportunities for you coming from a different career background. 

“Growth and comfort do not coexist.” Ginni Rometty

These are valid questions to be asking yourself. Chances are there will be plenty, why?

Getting into self-employed sales and changing your career can be a bit of a challenge. It requires training, skill development and sometimes relevant experience. There are plenty of transferable skills that you may have which can make the switch easier. In most roles, training will be provided, so really what does it take to excel in sales? 

Hard work, passion and motivation. 

What is that you want to get out of your career, and what is the lifestyle that you are working towards? These will drive that motivation which will bring in the results. 

It’s not unusual to have uncertainty, let’s look at why people get into sales.

A career in self-employed sales will give you:

+A clear career path

+Unlimited earning potential

+Freedom and flexibility

+Clear growth opportunities

+Security in an industry that is not going anywhere soon

+The lifestyle that you want

+Tax benefits for being self-employed

+The opportunity and financial freedom to have multiple holidays a year, save up for your kid’s higher education and even invest in multiple properties etc

+Autonomy! You realise that actually having a PAYE job may not be as secure as you think and that your career is capped in more ways than one.

How do you know if a self-employed sales role is right for you?

Simply ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I have good communication skills?
  • Do I enjoy interacting with people?
  • Can I work under pressure?
  • Can I handle rejection?

People who get into sales are high achievers. They are good with people, they can talk, listen, understand and educate their clients. To succeed, you have to be passionate about the product or service that you are offering. 

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” George Addair

If you are reading this then chances are you are tired of being held back. Held back from promotions, career development, growth, and your goals.

Sales will always be an in-demand industry, it is the lifeblood of a company, literally. People buy from people, not products or services! If you want a sure way to get through economic crises, and pandemics and just to put autonomy back in your own hands then a career in self-employed sales will do that.

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